Sunday, December 09, 2007

Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon. ~Ikkyu, Zen-monk poet, 1394-1481


mermaid said...

We all suffer, and we all love, don't we? How then, do we believe by our egos we are so different?

Edward Ott said...


Katie McKenna said...

lovely post

diana christine said...

Edward ~ thank you for your wonderful greeting, and in so greeting me, introducing me to this Muslim custom. At the end of 2008 during the holidays I hope to feature various observations and I would love to include your greeting.

And welcome to my site....

diana christine said...

Mermaid...we are amazingly different and amazingly alike while we are the same One. Our egos, of course, believe we are separate (an illusion). You are right...our shared suffering and our shared loving remind me of our being the same.

Love to you...

diana christine said...

Hi's always great to see you here. I always love visiting your site and your incredible photography. God bless...