Monday, July 02, 2018

2018 2nd-Place Winner Levi Andrew Noe

A Long Journey By Sea
by Levi Noe

From the helm
       of this pitching ship
   I cry to Poseidon and 
Yahweh, Jesus,
       Buddha, Krishna, Kali
              Allah, Vishnu, Anu, Gaia,
anyone! who’s listening:
                    How far
                            have I to go?
                      How much
                            have I to give?
                Until You 
                   will let me in.
I have all the charts,
      I followed the stars, I’ve read
           all the Words about the journey.
                             I should be There by now,
                     but still the Undying Land eludes me.
            Could You send me a sign?
                             A dove,
                       like You did for Noah.
                                                     A dream,
                                like You gave Gilgamesh.
                                    It seems all You’ve given me 
                        are these questions.     
              Is it learning or
                   that will stop the storm?
       Is it praying ceaselessly
               or pure silence
                          that will bring peace
                    to these waves?
 I assumed the deathless
                         was my destiny, but 
                                       I haven’t received an invitation.
                                                Supplies are nearly dry.
                                   A storm is coming and I’m still waiting. 
                  I am the only voice I hear.
                        I’ve tried everything
                                    apart from drowning.
                        Is that how this separation ends?
             By breathing the ocean in. 

Levi Andrew Noe was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. He is a writer, wanderer, yogi, entrepreneur, and amateur oneironaut. His flash fiction collection Rain Check was published in August 2016 from Truth Serum Press. His flash fiction, short stories, creative non-fiction and poetry can be found in Connotation Press, Boston Literary Magazine, Bartleby Snopes, and Literary Orphans, among many others. Levi is the editor in chief and founder of the podcast Rocky Mountain Revival Audio Art Journal.


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