Wednesday, October 24, 2007

where we are this week

Not long ago I was teaching a class in Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, and as I looked upon the grandeur, the columns and statues and art, the shops and pools and restaurants and elegant sleeping rooms, I thought to myself how all of this, everything that I looked upon, came about from a single idea from a single person. This is how we create. And it shall be the same with creating a beautiful, serene meditation sanctuary in a wood, a retreat center called Spirit First.

This week I am creating the organizational structure for Spirit First. To the six of you who have agreed to serve on the founding board of directors, I thank you. Thank you for your willingness to serve, thank you for your faith in me and what I am doing, and thank you for the gifts you bring to the table. Your presence helps make this dream come true.

This week I am also writing our bylaws and our articles of incorporation. (I think I was supposed to have filed the articles of incorporation prior to being assigned an EIN but it's okay. Those of you who know more about the IRS than I probably already knew that!)

I am also developing an advisory board, a board that will expand during the next several weeks.

And so, we continue to grow.

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